Modern men have a lot of things on their minds. Apart from providing for their respective families, they may also have additional responsibilities that range from taking care of their own personal health goals to successfully investing in businesses. That is why it is essential for modern men to understand their financial responsibilities and secure their and their family’s financial future.
While taking advice from experienced and successful relatives, friends, and colleagues can be beneficial, often the best way to learn more about the intricacies of the financial side of life is to pick up a good book.
Below, we compiled a list of some of the best finance books for modern men keen to learn more about money, budgeting and overall financial literacy.
Budgeting Basics
- I Will Teach You To Be Rich, by Ramit Sethi.
This book is suitable for those who have earned some money and want to learn how to organize it. Sethi convinced readers that there is no reason to spend hours tracking every penny they spend. Rather, the book provides a six-week program to break the bad habit of impulse purchases.
- The Total Money Makeover. A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness, by Dave Ramsey.
Ramsey wrote this book in a straightforward, user-friendly language so that readers could understand the importance of budgeting and the techniques he presents to help people free themselves of the financial burden. Additionally, this book includes real-life case studies that demonstrate how to successfully complete the 7 baby steps on the path to financial freedom.
- Do The Money Thing. All You Need To Know About Personal Finance, by Susan Tompor.
Tompor tackles personal finance in an easy to understand tone. She takes a minute-by-minute approach to helping readers understand the basics of money management, such as setting up a budget, filing taxes, and understanding the financial impacts of a job or lifestyle change.
Investing & Trading
- The Intelligent Investor. The Definitive Book on Value Investing, by Benjamin Graham.
This is one of the most classic books on investing and remains relevant to this day. Graham outlines the concepts of value investing and how to avoid common pitfalls. Although the book was written for professional investors and financial advisors, Graham wrote his book in a way that can be easily understood by readers from different backgrounds.
- A Random Walk Down Wall Street. The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing, by Burton G. Malkiel.
Malkiel details the opportunities for investment in stocks, bonds, real estate, and mutual funds. This book also helps readers learn the basics of investing and how to minimize risks. It emphasizes that a sensible approach to investing can yield results and help readers reach financial stability.
- The Warren Buffet Way, by Robert G. Hagstrom.
Hagstrom provides an intimate portrait of famed investor Warren Buffett and the strategies used to make him one of the most successful investors of all time. Also easy to understand, the book is divided into Buffett’s core investment principles, helping readers to gain insights into his methods and become better informed investors.
Tax Planning & Retirement
- Tax-Free Retirement. How to Incorporate Tax-Free Investment Products into Your Retirement Plan, by Patrick K. Kelly.
Kelly’s book is one of the best books for modern men who want to build up a significant retirement fund and make sure to maximize the benefits of it. Kelly offers a step-by-step guide to investing and taking advantage of the tax benefits of retirement funds. The book also covers government incentives to add even more value to this process, such as the Roth IRA.
- The Internal Revenue Code and Regulations.
This book is not for the faint of heart but is a must for anyone interested in doing tax planning for their retirement. It includes all of the laws set out by the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) as interpreted and implemented by the United States government. It’s always important to stay up-to-date and knowledgeable about recent changes to the tax code by reading the most recent edition of this book.
- Social Security. Strategies For Maximizing Benefits.
This book by Judith Shine and Larry Mazzullo is one of the best resources for modern men who are tapping into Social Security benefits. It helps readers maximize the amount they can receive in terms of Social Security. It provides advice on when to apply, the recovery of overpayments, the taxation of benefits, and more.
Modern men in today’s world are faced with a wide range of complex financial situations. With that in mind, it’s essential to stay informed and up-to-date on financial literacy and the best ways to grow a financial portfolio.
The books mentioned above provide readers with the necessary understanding of budgeting, tax laws, and retirement-planning, and are excellent references for modern men looking to be successful in their respective financial endeavors.