The days of gas-guzzling vehicles are coming to a close, as consumers are gradually transitioning to electric cars. Currently, electric car sales account for only a fraction of global new car sales, but the technology is evolving at a lightning-fast speed and could potentially become the dominant car technology of the future. In this article, we’ll explore the rise of electric cars including why they’re gaining more and more popularity, the current state of electric cars, and the potential they have to reshape the automotive industry.
The Reasons Behind the Growing Interest in Electric Cars
Today, an increasing number of people and companies are embracing electric cars despite their higher cost. This shift in attitude is due to a number of reasons, including:
- Climate Change Awareness
Climate change is becoming a more pressing issue that people are beginning to take seriously. As a result, many people believe transitioning to electric cars is an important step to reducing carbon emissions. In fact, research has found that electric vehicles can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 70%.
- Lower Operating Costs
While electric cars often cost more upfront, many people opt for electric cars for their lower lifetime maintenance costs. The overall cost of an electric car is comparable or even lower than a gas-powered car due to the lower cost of electricity compared to gas.
- Increasingly Sophisticated Technology
Recent developments in electric car technology have made electric cars much more appealing. Improvements in battery technology have given electric cars longer driving ranges and faster charge times, while electric motors are now able to give vehicles the same amount of power and acceleration as gasoline-powered cars.
The Current State of Electric Cars
Electric car sales are on the rise and the technology is advancing rapidly. Here is a look at the current state of electric car technology and sales:
- Growing Global Sales
According to the International Energy Agency, global electric vehicle sales increased by 54% in 2018 with Europe and China leading the charge. Every country and major car company is investing in the technology and transitioning their fleets to electric.
- Technology Improvements
Electric car technology has seen exponential improvements in recent years and continues to evolve. A modern-day electric car has a range of 250 miles, far higher than the 70 or so miles of electric cars from a decade ago. Battery life is also improving with most now lasting for 8 to 10 years.
- Declining Prices
Electric car prices are slowly but steadily decreasing as technology advances and production costs diminish. Part of this is due to companies like Tesla investing in scale and making electric cars cost-effective. The number of mainstream electric cars is also increasing, giving customers an ever-increasing variety of electric cars to choose from.
The Potential of Electric Cars
It’s clear that electric cars are becoming increasingly popular, but what potential do they hold for the future? Here are some of the potential impacts electric cars can have on the automotive industry:
- Increased Autonomy
Electric cars are increasingly being designed with autonomy in mind. As the sensing and computing power of electric cars increase, autonomous vehicle technology can rapidly develop. In the future, electric cars could be used in ride-sharing fleets as well as for personal travel.
- Breakthroughs in Car Charging Technology
Electric cars also have the potential to revolutionize car charging technology. Currently, electric cars can be charged using wall outlets, but in the future we could see wireless charging technology that could charge electric cars in seconds.
- More Sustainable Community Development
Electric cars can also help create more sustainable cities and towns. Electric cars are significantly quieter than their gas-powered counterparts, meaning cities with higher concentrations of electric vehicles can benefit from reduced noise pollution. Additionally, electric cars do not emit any exhaust, which can reduce smog levels and allow for more sustainable development.
It’s clear that electric cars are the vehicles of the future. Their advantages over gas-powered cars and continuing development has made electric cars a viable option for many consumers and companies. As technology continues to improve and prices gradually decline, electric cars could become the dominant car technology in the near future. There’s no denying that electric cars are going to have a huge impact on our lives and the world we live in.